Air conditioner Wet Wash associationcode of practice for ACWWA Certified HVAC Wet Wash SpecialistsAir Conditioner Wet Wash Association Code of Practice (for ACWWA Certified HVAC Wet Wash Specialists) The Code of Practice has been established as a voluntary framework that all ACWWA Certified HVAC Wet Wash Specialists agree to use as the underlying practice guidelines for the effective wet wash cleaning of ductless split system air conditioners. The guidelines in this Code of Practice exist to ensure a consistent high quality wet wash product is delivered every time to the client and the consumer of the conditioned air. All ACWWA Certified HVAC Wet Wash Specialists and their providers agree, 1) ACWWA Certified HVAC Wet Wash Specialists will operate in accordance with relevant legal frameworks in their relevant jurisdictions including but not limited to customer protection and fair trading, taxation, employment relations and workplace health and safety. 2) ACWWA Certified HVAC Wet Wash Specialists will refrain from acts of collusion and price fixing through activities, membership and participation in the association. Certified Specialists recognise, the purpose of the association is for the collective benefit of the industry, clients and consumers of the services provided. 3) ACWWA Certified HVAC Wet Wash Specialists agree that all ductless split system air conditioner wet wash cleaning and hygiene assessment will be performed in compliance with the ACWWA HVAC Wet Wash Guidelines for Ductless Split Systems and this Code of Practice. We collectively recognise the guidelines provided are the leading industry guidelines for identification of harmful contaminates, management of HVAC asset cleaning and restoration, and post clean verification of hygienic cleanliness. 4) ACWWA Certified HVAC Wet Wash Specialists agree to always affix an ACWWA Hygienically Cleaned Seal on every clean where a ductless split system air conditioner has been cleaned and verified to be compliant with the guides. The ACWWA Seals are not transferable and Certified Specialists agree to not provide ACWWA Hygienically Cleaned Seals to any other party. 5) ACWWA Certified HVAC Wet Wash Specialists agree to always use fit for purpose wet washing equipment and cleaning agents as specified within the guidelines. This includes but not limited to use of professional grade water dispensers with a minimum of 5 litres per minute unrestricted flow rate. 6) ACWWA Certified HVAC Wet Wash Specialists will participate in suitable continual professional development and ensure ongoing compliance with the minimum requirements for certification with the association. Written documentation detailing scope of training, duration and date of training etc. shall be kept for purposes of auditing and further professional development. 7) ACWWA Certified HVAC Wet Wash Specialists agree to hold and maintain the following for ongoing certification a) Completion of a Lock Out/Tag Out Certification b) Completion of a Site Safety qualification such as White/Blue Card or equivalent c) Completion of a structured HVAC Wet Wash Specific Training program d) Have a minimum of 12 months full time equivalent experience as a Wet Wash Cleaner e) Complete an annual statement of compliance and voluntary acceptance of the ACWWA HVAC Wet Wash Guidelines for Ductless Split Systems and this Code of Practice |